Imprint: REITBERGER VISUALISIERUNGSTECHNIK Inhaber: Karl Reitberger; Alpenblickstraße 35 D-82383 Hohenpeißenberg
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Large display
Theme oriented

Click to
Counter displays: Forward / Reverse / Reset
Production data displays
Indicated value displays
Time / Timer / calendar data display
Text displays
Ticker displays
Accident statistics display
Photovoltaics displays / Ecological displays
Bargraph displays (serial and analog)
Truck call displays
Water level displays
Displays for culture exhibitions and events
Greeting / Reception displays
Full graphic displays LED / LCD
Industry large displays
Electronic guide
Request displays
LED-Spotlight (Industrial)
Go to "Large display technic oriented"
Which character size for whitch distance ?
Welche Technik für welche Anwendung ?

Alphanumeric LCD-Matrix-Large display: "AFA 150P"; Out- and Indoor, 45 - 150mm character height

The alphanumeric LCD large display "AFA 150P" allowes the representation of numbers, small and capital characters and special signs in single- and multiline execution.
They are similarly suitable for Outdoor- and Indoor applications and at all lightning conditions optimally readable. The scipt of the AFA displays is contour sharp even after many years, without light edge accumulation and rich in contrast.
The LCD display "AFA 150P" is deliverable with the interfaces RS 232 or RS 485 or Ethernet TCP/IP, parallel
(8 bit / 24VDC).
For types and order numbers look at broadsheet.

Application areas
- Single- and multiline text displays
- Alert displays e.g. at fire prevention
- Production data displays
- General information displays